Its 1 HOUR & 4o MINIUTES of robotics
You should catch it because IT’S CUTE, SENSITIVE, PRACTICAL & MAGICAL
You should not watch this movie if YOU PITY CUTE THINGS BEING TRASHED
Nonetheless, everything changed when another robot called EVE landed. The story started to mushroom… and hard cold feelings within me started to melt. WALL-E grew into me, and before I knew it, I was touched with his persistence, and his need for company. In fact, his ability to show emotions through his little actions made him more adorable, and I figure, the whole “it’s just a lame story about a robot” sentiment flew away, with a great feel of satisfaction at the end of the movie. With that said, I’d like to point out that this is a movie, which no one should miss… and I’d say that this movie is by far, the best animated movie ever produced by man!! I tell you… Disney does have MAGIC, and WALL-E is one of them!!
huaa!!!!! i love this movie!!!!!
so sad... and satisfied with the movie... enjoyable...
Wall-E is just awesome!
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